
Showing posts from January, 2019
I This is an original audio file that I have made in audacity. I uploaded it to sound cloud and then copied the code into my blog to embed it and make it play on there

My original video.

This is the  scary video I created for the zombie movie both me and my class mates created this idea.

interactivity I have made myself

This is an example of a hyperlink  This is  an example of my email  hyperlink This is an example of an interactive video to make it work you need to click the play button. This is an example of interactive audio to make it work you need to click the play button. <a href="">New Beginning by creative_reality17</a> I have added a text entry to my blog and I did this by adding a gadget.  

my own digital graphics

This is a picture of my friend edited  as an elf. I made this is Photoshop by merging the two images together and use layers to give it this affect.   f On this picture I edited Owen onto the football pitch using the rubber tool by removing the old photo I then Imported the picture of Owen and placed it onto the Middlesbrough  Football pitch. I changed the size of Owen to fit the front cover I then swapped the layers around to bring the title in front of Owen and his chair.

digital photography

This is a picture of one of my class mates dressed as a rat. I took this photo to create a games cover I have uploaded it on to my blog by clicking the insert image icon and locating the file from the shared drive. . These are some photos which I have taken on my photoshoot I have uploaded them onto my blog by adding images choosing the file and locating the image from my folder.