
Final feedback and final evaluation

Other people have looked at my blogged and they agree that I have completed all the tasks required in my blog. WWW; completed all my work on time and at the correct standards. EBI; Difficulty inserting some of the links needed because they were blocked by the server. WCGB; If i was to do my gif again i think i would  do it to a better standard because i have now learnt the basics that are required.
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My final blog

I have completed everything required I have explained the purpose of my blog ( to show work in lots of different media ) and to show different types of interactivity. I have included in my blog Digital Graphics Embedded Video Embedded Audio  Animated Gifs  Photography  Video  I have said how each post has been made. I have also included some interactivity work that I done ,myself. 

video clip from youtube

This is a clip oi got from you tube which is  Middles borough FC in action
I created this animated GIF using photoshop. I modified  a series of photos then used GIF maker to put them together so it looked like they were moving
I This is an original audio file that I have made in audacity. I uploaded it to sound cloud and then copied the code into my blog to embed it and make it play on there